Liberty Cove House Staff 1

Name : 

Mikio Matsui


Position : 

Assistant Manager


  • Over 25 years’ experience in lodging industry.
  • Completed a hotel management course offered by Sanno Junior College.
  • Highly experienced in front desk operations.
  • Lived in New Zealand on a working holiday visa.
  • Worked at a Japanese restaurant while attending a language school.


Skydiving, Skiing, Climbing and Karaoke

 Surf & Snow in Naeba (2) Surf & Snow in Naeba Toki no Sumika Toki no Sumika (2)

Things I am into lately:

I have been challenging real estate qualification exams for several years.

In 2017, I passed the Real Estate Transaction Agent(宅地建物取引士)examination and the Licensed Property Manager(賃貸不動産経営管理士)examination.

I took the Administrative Manager(管理業務主任者)exam in 2018 and unfortunately failed.

I took the Administrative Manager(管理業務主任者)exam on December 1, 2019 and probably passed.

The results will be announced on January 17, 2020.

I intend to take the Condominium Manager(マンション管理士)exam in 2020 with an average pass rate of 7.9%.

If I pass this Condominium Manager(マンション管理士)exam, I will pass all three real estate(不動産三冠資格)examinations.

Passing prayer ema Success celebration

Message to our customers:

I was born in Yokohama which is right next city of Yokosuka and I still live here. I provide you latest events and Japanese culture during your stay at Liberty Cove House. I  accommodate our tenant with over 25 years’ experience in this industry. If anything concerns you, please feel free to talk to me. I am happy to help you.


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