Fireworks – Kurihama Perry Festival

Kurihama Perry Festival

When : July 15th Saturday  10:00 to 20:10

Kurofune which came over off Uraga in 1853 by the late Tokugawa period.
Perry who came over to Japan for the foundation of a country went ashore in place of here Kurihama on July 14. We hold “Kurihama Perry Festival” in commemoration of the Perry landing in Kurihama every year at this same time.

Yokosuka foundation of a country bazaar
Time: From 10:00 to 15:40
Place: Kurihama Shopping district, harodo street
Contents: Hero show, performance, refreshment stand of band

Admiral of navy Perry landing memory ceremony
Time: From 14:00 to 14:40
Place: Perry Park

Friendship Perry parade in Japan and the U.S.
Time: From 16:00 to 17:00
Place: … KeikyuKurihama station square in front of Perry Park
Contents: Kurofune float, school in the Kurihama area, period costume corps, musical band, drum and fife corps, dance

Kurihama Perry Festival fireworks display
Time: From 19:30 to 20:10
Place: (launching) port of Kurihama, (view) Perry Park, the Kurihama shore, former Nichiro quay
The number of the launching: Approximately 3,500
Paid seat: 3,000 seats (1,500 yen )

For more information, please ask Liberty Cove House Concierge desk!

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