Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade – October 19th Sunday

Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade is Mikoshi Matsuri happens in October at Yokosuka. All Mikoshi of Yokosuka and Miura gather at Yokosukachuo Station, and they parade all the way to Yokosuka US Navy Base.

When: Oct. 19 (Sun.) 10:30-15:00

Where: The parade will start at Yokosuka Chuo Station , proceed down Blue Street, pass through Womble Gate, and end up on the U.S. Naval Base .

Details: The U.S. Naval Base will open to the public starting at 10:30. Visitors to the base must enter through Womble Gate. Don’t forget to bring your passport or some other photo ID that shows your nationality. There will be a ceremony and a ladder stunt show on base.

For more details, please ask Liberty Cove House Concierge.

Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade Yokosuka Mikoshi Parade

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